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Back You are here: Home Eternal Words Nahj al-Balaghah Letters letter70 - To Sahl Ibn Hunayf al-Ansari, His Governor over Medina, About Certain Persons in Medina Who Had Joined Mu`awiyah

letter70 - To Sahl Ibn Hunayf al-Ansari, His Governor over Medina, About Certain Persons in Medina Who Had Joined Mu`awiyah

I have come to know that certain persons from your side are stealthily going over to Mu`awiyah. Do not feel sorry for their numbers so lost to you or for their help of which you are deprived. It is enough that they have gone into misguidance and you have been relieved of them. They are running away from guidance and truth and advancing towards blindness and ignorance. They are seekers of this world and are proceeding to it, leaping towards it. They have known justice, seen it, heard it and appreciated it. They have realized that here, to us, all men are equal in the matter of what is right. Therefore, they ran away to selfishness and partiality. Let them remain remote and far away.
By Allah, surely they have not gone away from oppression nor joined justice. In this matter, we only desire Allah to resolve for us its hardships and to level for us its unevenness, if Allah wills, and that is the end of the matter.

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